Plastic and Aesthetic SurgeryPlastic and Aesthetic Surgery

Cardiac and NeurosurgicalCardiac & Neurosurgical

Light source / Electric KnifeLight_source / Electric Knife


Ophthalmology InstrumentsOphthalmology Instruments

General Surgical InstrumentsGeneral Surgical Instruments

M A Corporation. a medical equipments and surgical Instruments development company. We deal with medical equipments and surgical Instruments made by our factory in Japan with Japanese cutting-edge technology in steel and titanium related to various surgeries such as Ophthalmology, Otology, Rhinology, Oral, Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Throat Surgery, Cardiovascular, Neurosurgery, Tracheotomy, Dermatology, Urology, Gynecology, Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic surgery. Our brands such as “SAKAKI™” for Microsurgery is Top brands in Japan and Doctors trust on our quality.

Our Titanium Surgical Instruments:

Titanium is the preferred metal for surgical Instruments if you are utilizing them in a very corrosive environment, need nonmagnetic implements, or require a lighter weight for delicate maneuvers. Our Instruments coated with SAKCOT SAFETY ™ a perfect and safest solution for surgical Instruments.

Our Titanium Surgical Instruments are from here.

Titanium is the answer to all these needs:

Elemental titanium is a lustrous white metal, with a specific gravity of 4.54, weighing less than half as much as steel, lessening fatigue during delicate procedures. Titanium is an extremely durable metal with strength tolerances better than stainless steel, along with increased flexibility. Naturally corrosion resistant, titanium and titanium alloys inherently form stable protective surface layers, giving titanium Instruments excellent corrosion resistance to oxidizing acids, chlorides and other elements in many other environment. The high heat tolerances of titanium alloys enable them to be heated up to 440° C (824° F), creating a perfect medium for sterilization with autoclaves without deteriation in stability, precision, or strength. Surgical Instruments typically utilize a mix of Titanium alloyed with 6% aluminum and 4% vanadium. The combination of metals creates a highly durable material that is extremely difficult to machine and finish, requiring a premium price of the finished product to offset manufacturing time and costs.

Specific Benefits of Titanium Instruments:

1-Totally non corrosive when exposed to oxidizing acids, chlorides, alkalis, saltwater, laboratory saline solutions, blood and other bodily fluids.

2-Incorporates an advantageous weight to strength ratio to stainless steel, lessening Instruments weight by over 40% in comparable Instruments than their stainless steel equivalent.

3-Increased flexibility and strength, providing better control, maneuverability, providing less user fatigue.

4-Titanium is 100% nonmagnetic, an essential when working with nerves, or in environments that are utilizing magnetic fields.

5-Titanium has an impressive heat tolerance of up to 440° C, or 824° F, enabling excellent heat sterilization a regime with existing autoclave methods.

6-Titanium Instruments when exposed to oxygen create an oxide film forming a bactericidal film that is also non allergenic.