SMT10033 Adson Tissue Forceps, 1.0mm tip width, 1×2 teeth, with tying platforms,Tungsten carbide coated tips, 12.1cm2018-11-01ProductsMRI adapted instruments, Hooked forceps, Cardiac, Vascular surgery, Tissue forceps, MicromacorpAdson Tissue Forceps, 1.0mm tip width, 1×2 teeth, with tying platforms,Tungsten carbide coated tips, 12.1cmContact about this oneShape:12.1cm1.0mm1x2TNumber:SMT10033Name:Adson Tissue Forceps, 1.0mm tip width, 1×2 teeth, with tying platforms,Tungsten carbide coated tips, 12.1cmAuxiliary keyword : 12cm 12.0cm